ShopoWorld Is Now a Registered Trademark!

We are very excited to announce that ShopoWorld is now a registered trademark and we want to share the great news with all our loyal customers and fellow partners.
Our application was submitted to the IPO in November 2017 – what seemed a long time in coming has actually been a very quick and easy process and almost four months later, our ShopoWorld trade mark has been accepted and processed.

What does this mean?
Firstly, we want to protect the ShopoWorld brand and identity. The business concept has come from years of thought planning and preparation and we are very proud of what we have achieved through to today.
ShopoWorld was founded on the strong belief in Community and Teamwork without the distraction of competition. Whilst competition can be a healthy facet of business, it can also lead to internal hostility, price wars, reduced revenue, bitterness and ultimately self-destruction.
With the name set up as a registered trademark, we can build value and add security to our products and business reputation – allowing people from all walks of life to become part of our community.

What does ShopoWorld provide?
ShopoWorld has a variety of aspects to the business but the two main definitive parts are:
1) ShopoWorld are a retail online platform where businesses from all over the globe can sell their products through the secure platform as well as being part of a partnership with other wholesale sellers. This retail platform (online shop) is open to the public and can be used across many countries and currencies.
2) Secondly, ShopoWorld partners can become business partners of ShopoWorld and build their own business brands, based in and on our successful platform reaching out to a much wider audience and seeing business success for themselves.

Charity involvement
ShopoWorld also believes fully in supporting charities across the globe that need financial help.  
As Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

With so much potential to improve the life of millions as well as derive considerable financial benefit in the process, ShopoWorld supports charities and has an aim to provide practical, physical and spiritual support to underprivileged people groups in order to improve their wellbeing and lifestyle.
You can read more about our chosen charities in a previous blog post.

We would love to share the opportunities that are being reaped by ShopoWorld’s business partners and give everyone the opportunity to play their part and see financial and business success.

Who benefits?
ShopoWorld welcomes people who are passionate to help others by improving their financial status, health and/or sense of well-being, or simply to sell the wide range of competitively priced products.
Everyone is a winner at ShopoWorld!

If you want to know more about how you can get involved, visit ShopoWorld or get in touch to see the potential for you and your family, TODAY!


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